
2022: my year in books

  Hello, Who She Readers. It's been a year since I did a blog post. I'm curious if people still read blogs. Anyways, let me catch you up on what I have been doing. So at the end of 2021, I concluded a very harrowing six years of caregiving. If you were following me, you would have noticed that around 2016 everything came to a grinding halt. Book tours, reviews, author promotions, life as I had previously known it, but I digress.  In the first quarter of 2022, I read extensively while searching for a job. I wanted to work from home due to some crippling health issues. I finally landed a contract job that ended in March of this year. I was thankful but knew it was not a good fit for me, yet I persevered until the contract ended. It took all of my strength to do the job, leaving me emotionally and creatively drained and barely able to see by the end of the day. I read for my happiness, to keep myself going, and on every break, during any slow periods, after work, and mostly on we

Time to Buy!

  Hello Awesome readers, It's time to buy these books!  These two books have been on Amazon for 30 days and have received no love whatsoever! They got thousands of pre-publication reads when they weren't even edited. Help this self-published author out. Add it to your Kindle Unlimited. You can read these books in a few hours.  Once we get sales going, both books will be offered in print or paperback. Kissing in the Rain will even have a limited edition lovers cover for the print version. WHAT!!!!! Yep. It's already printed!  So pick one or choose both! The second and third books coming out of the Forestdale world are being written now. You don't necessarily have to read the books in order, but characters will pop up from previous books, which will help make the reading more fluid.  Did you know Forestdale is a spinoff series from the upcoming novel GINNIE TRANSFORMED? I'm not trying to make any spoilers or promises, but we may have some crossovers happening! Don'

Plans and Goals for 2022

  IT'S 2022, Yall! Usually, This post would have been done in early January, but I was busy like so many others. I was also trying to decide if I wanted to start this blog again. The answer? We'll see.  I would like to get back into promoting independent authors.  After publishing two of my own books under my pen name, and more coming, I found myself dealing with freelancers in other countries and timezones. I wondered why there weren't more freelancers offering services right here in the US. at affordable pricing. However, I did spend quite a bit on marketing and have yet to see any return. But the books are out there for the world to see. I will not focus on them anymore and continue writing the books I started. Maybe I will look up and be pleasantly surprised that I have made some sales one day. I miss hyping up new authors. From my own experience, it can be tough to build up an audience. I found that I had a fair amount of reads when I offered my books for free, but I w

Book Review: Heart of the Reaper

  The post on IG that started the read. This review was not requested. I read it on KU. This was posted by author  @amdavis on her IG feed, and I was intrigued. I had never heard of this author or read any of her stuff before so I reached out to the author that made the post to find out the name of the book with such intense warnings.  Some authors called it a marketing ploy, well it worked, I read the book and discovered a new author in the process. Earlier in the week another author mentioned people should try reading a book outside of their normal genre and comfort zone. Challenge accepted. In preparation I strapped on my mental protection helmet, my invisible Kevlar jacket to protect my heart and packed a parachute if it was too much for me and stepped off the precipice of safe reads and free fell into the abyss.   My lovelies, it was so worth the journey. First off, I am not going to go over the trigger warnings,  they are clearly defined in the picture above. So without any more

Reading alien scifi romance

4 and 5 🔎 alien scifi romance reads you must check out Hello my lovelies, yes, yes, I  know....its been a while.  I have been focusing on my writing and have taken a break to do some reading to help calm my nerves from my everyday life. But I  am not going to bore you with my life, so let’s talk about what I have been reading lately. I lost my birth mother on March 31st this year and have been losing myself in in off planet worlds to deal with my grief. ALIENS! I am usually all about the vampires but came across these books and have been devouring the series like a starving fat man at a buffet. The decriptions of their physical bodies makes you want to reach through the book and run your fingers over their skin for yourself. All authors did a phenomenal job of world building and making unique creatures to keep you entertained, curious and hanging onto every word. I have currently read all of the book available in the series listed below and wait anxiously for the next installations or

From deep in the covid 19 hotzone that is Florida

Hello my lovelies,  I sincerely hope you all are doing well, adjusting to a more clean and safe lifestyle. I extend my apologies and sympathy to those that are suffering through this coronavirus disease and have or are losing loved ones.  I thank those, that have and are standing up for the lives of all,  including black lives, that are thought of as less than, for whatever differences seem to be the demon of the day. We all matter. We all have something to add to this world. We all have a purpose,  no matter what belief you resign to. That person standing next to you may be a crucial part in a major change in our lives that one day eradicates cancer, or gets us out into the galaxy, or finds a way to preserve this planet's wildlife or water supplies. We have to stop allowing our baser self to lead us in disgusting acts of hatred and aggression that literally and figuratively stamp the light out of others.  I often wonder what would happen if there was no crime of any sort for 30 da

Book Review: Unveiled- book 2 of the Unbreakable Series

This is my long overdue book review of  UNVEILED book 2 of the Unbreakable Series by author Zel ly Jordan I would like to start off by sincerely apologizing to the author for not being able to complete the review last year.        #COVID19Message-   I hope that all of my readers and followers are well, coping with the new changes, being safe, wearing masks and if not wearing gloves have access to and are using hand sanitizer, being smart about social distancing and are showing love by being kind and courteous to one another.   I also hope that you had more time to read while sheltering in place and staying home. This is an adult paranormal suspense romance with violence, adult language, and mild to maximum sexual content. So if any of that offends you, or they are triggers know the way off the blog! This is my book review on the second book in the unbreakable series by Australian author Zelly Jordan. This was an ARC provided by the author for the sole purpose of an unbiased revi